for the determination of the Church feasts occurring on the same day (b) prescribed anniversary prayers or prayers prescribed for definite occasions, during exposition, etc. It is chiefly a European term and institution. In this sense it is used in regard to the introduction of the case of a deceased person for the process of beatification and canonization. (Cf. person for the correction of an offense. will befall a person, place, or thing. Acts,,; L., Fr. Cerecloth, n.; L. A linen doth waxed on one side; it is cut to the dimension of the altar Chancery , n.; O.Fr. Conclave, n.; L., Fr. Commemoration, n.; L. Act of remembrance a prayer of the Mass. (Cf. Excessive love of temporal things, usually riches; desire for things of the world. Confession, n.; L. (1) A profession of faith. Apse, n.; Gr., L. The sanctuary end of a church building, especially those of Romanesque or Gothic architecture; originally, the semicircular termination of the church, but later the shape became varied according to the general design of the building. Also referred to the angelus bell which is rung at the three times of the day. Allocution, n.; L. A pronouncement on an important matter of the moment, made by the Pope to the cardinals gathered in secret consistory; a papal announcement of policy either of ecclesiastical or civil affairs. stitute to one of his clergy stating that the priest bearing the letter has been duly ordained and is free of canonical censure, and asking that he be allowed to celebrate Mass in other dioceses. Also the similar word, baldaquin.) ; Bib. (Cf. "I am in the Father, and the Father in me." The grace Also called thurible. in any deliberate pleasure arising from the natural sexual appetite. The Roman style of chasuble is more squarely shaped, while the Greek style is more circular in shape and hangs down on the upper parts of the arms. The three days preceding Lent which are a time of celebration before taking on the penances of the Lenten season. (Cf. Aliturgical, adj. ; L. Perfections which belong to the divine essence of God, which are of God's being, as divine intellect, divine will, and all things ascribed to this Being as one. ; Gr., L. The eight hours or offices of the daily recitation of the Breviarium or divine office. The first liturgical season of the Church calendar. celtic word applied to those who ), Commission, n.; L., Fr. A series of chapels placed around the east or apsidal end of a Gothic church; one or more small chapels arranged. Ablegate, n,; L. An envoy of the Papal service who bears the red biretta to a new cardinal who is not residing in Rome; a legate from the Holy Father with this mission. Apollinananism, n.; Gr., L, The heretical doctrine taught by Apollinaris, bishop of Alexandria in the fourth century, denying the human intelligence of our Lord. Carmel, n.; Heb., L. The original Hebrew word means a garden; it is a ridge of mountains in northwestern Palestine on the Mediterranean coast; sometimes the name given a Carmelite monastery. It is fastened with a clasp in front called the morse and usually has a smaller cape resting on the shoulders. Common, n.; L. (1) The ordinary of the Mass, especially the sung parts. Coconsecrators, n. Within this stone the altar relic is placed, (a) The "fixed" or immovable" altar is the stone tabletop together with its supports consecrated as a whole, (b) The "portable" or "movable" altar consists of the altar stone alone, usually small, which is consecrated by itself or the stone table top without its upright supports. (1) The light meal taken on days of fast; a meal of eight to ten ounces. A place set aside from the body of the church where Mass was said for ; Gr.,L. It is called Apostles' because it embodies a summary of Apostolic teachings. Acolyte, n.; Gr., L. An escort; an attendant. Apostolicity, n.; Gr., L. That one of the four marks of the Catholic Church by which it stems from the Apostles in its doctrine, authority, and organization. The book containing the antiphons of the breviary together with their musical notes, or those parts of the breviary which are sung in choir. A hermit, especially one of the Eastern Church. An action or practice repeated under (2) A member of the Roman Catholic Church. The abbot is elected for life. things. Absolution from censures is governed in accordance with the offense and the penalty attached; The place of confession set aside in the church for this purpose; a place of two compartments separated by a screen in one of which the one type of priest is seated and in the other the penitent kneels. Corporal, n.; L. The square linen doth which is carried to the altar in the burse and placed It is divided into three books, the first giving general rules for the Bishop and his ministers; the second treating of the solemn celebration of Mass and the Divine Office, and of the chief functions of the liturgical year; the third is concerned with the rules for particular prelates who hold certain high offices. In the Mass, the washing and consuming by the priest of this wine and water. good before all else and by which we do His will and are united with Him. A co-eternity. Loyola Press is a Catholic publisher offering 3-Minute Retreat, books, ministry resources, articles, and educational program support. (Obs.). book. The doing of something; applied to an act of sin which consists in the i.e. xx, xxxv. Anaphora , n.; Gr. (1) A bell tower. schools, or the time of the universities in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries when the classical studies had begun a decline. The early meaning was that of a canopy over the altar. The upper room where Christ and His Apostles ate the Last Supper. The prayer so named because it begins with the Archangel Gabriel's words of greeting to the Blessed Virgin when he announced to her that she was to become the Mother of God. month. A treaty drawn up between the Holy See and a secular state or gov-ernment concerning the interests of religion in that particular country. pl. Usually a motto is also attached. Chrism is used in the consecration of bishops, the consecration of churches, altar stones, chalices, patens, and in the solemn blessing of bells and baptismal water. worship; it embraces all the acts of Charismata, n. pl. of the Mass when the Eucharist is received; the name designating the Sacred Host and Wine in which the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ are present. It derives its name from the custom of placing blessed ashes of burnt palms on the foreheads of the faithful in the form of a cross to remind them of death and the necessity of penance. Roman Catholic: 3. including many different types…. Apologetics, n.,pl. A form of argumentation or reasoning which deduces a conclusion from certain and evident premises; capable of being demonstrated, n. The study of the nature and basis of knowledge. Convent, n.; L. The community living quarters of sisters or brothers. (2) A stand or support on which the coffin (or sometimes a casket, when the body is absent) is placed during the funeral service. The cathedral seat or throne of a bishop. Cathedral, n.; Gr., L. The home church of the bishop in his diocese; the church in which the The one directing a group of men in an abbey who live under religious vows according to a rule or laws for the community. which is due to God alone and A term Catholics use when referring to the consecrated Host-especially when it is reserved in the Tabernacle. The nun who is the superior of a community of nuns in those religious orders which have abbots as superiors of male communities. Chorister, n.; L., Fr. ; Heb. passage of the entire substance, both matter and form, of the bread and wine, in the transubstantiatlon of The rubrics prescribe the usage of a specified number to be lighted during various ceremonies. Adjuration, n.; L. The act of begging earnestly or of commanding in God's name, or in the name of some holy person or thing, in order to urge the person addressed to act or to desist from acting, as in the rite of exorcism. He from whom all mankind is descended. namely, the congregations, tribunals, Curia, n.; L. The Roman Curia, the Pope's court or cabinet. The liturgy comprises the ceremonies, actions, and language. Cope, n.; L. A cape-like vestment, usually of silk, reaching from the shoulders to the feet. Antiphon, n.; Gr. The action of the Mass; the part of the Canon of the Mass which the celebrant changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. An underground place of burial of the early Christians which became a place of refuge during the persecutions, and where public services might be held. It is most frequendy used where the altar is of stone, and though not necessary, it serves as a protection for the other cloths against moisture or the oils of consecration on a newly consecrated altar. Azymites, (1) The canonically enclosed living quarters of a convent or monastery. (2) A Mass-server or assistant of a priest at any ritualistic ceremony. (2) Name given to disks of wax on which are impressed the figure of a lamb and which are blessed at regular seasons by the Pope; they may be oblong, round or oval in shape and vary in size; the figure of the lamb usually has a banner or cross accompanying it. (2) The room or separate dwelling of a monk; his living quarters. Blessed Sacrament celebrated on the Thursday following the first Sunday after Pentecost. Adultery, n.; L. Act of infidelity, by carnal intercourse, to the bond of marriage by either husband or wife. Chiefly an English term. (Cf. Creche, n.; Fr. Also Camerarius. doctrine. Also equiprobabilism. Therefore it denied the true humanity of Christ. Campanile, n,; It. Colobium, n.; Gr., L. A long sleeveless garment of royalty in which Christ is often pictured. All mortal sins, sincerely and clearly told; the sins must be told with the number of times committed, together with the circumstances which affect the nature of the sin. Pyx.). souls; an assistant to a pastor. Church a period of two years or more was usually required before the instruction was considered complete and the sincerity of the person was proven. Mass. Crib, n.; L., A.S. ; Gr. they are Pontifical, i.e., celebrated by, or in the presence of, the Bishop. Constitutions, n. ; Gr., L. (1) Spurious scriptural books denoted by the Fathers of the Church as forgeries of heretics. In the Church it has come to mean a rule of belief or conduct. Anniversary, n,; L. In ecclesiastical language, a Requiem Mass read on the third, seventh, and thirtieth day after the death of a person, or a year after the death. Traditional Catholic Femininity and Biblical Womanhood. The one holding this office certifies the death of the Pope and calls the conclave for electing a successor; he is in charge of the retenues of the sacred college of cardinals. (2) — Mass. The basic motivation for Catholic Action. Camauro, n. It. Character, n.; Gr., L. In theological usage, a spiritual mark imprinted upon the soul by the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. Angelus, n.; L. The devotion honoring the Incarnation and venerating the Blessed Virgin at morning (6 o'clock), noon, and evening (6 o'clock) by the recitation of three Hail Marys, with words spoken by the Blessed Virgin at the Annunciation, and a final prayer. Coats of arms, have the consent of a competent Eusebius; Bishop of Caesarea in the fourth century, is said to be the father of Church history. Canonical Hours,(adj. Abbreviator, n.; L. A notary or secretary employed in the Papal Chancery and entrusted with the work of abbreviating and copying papal documents. Cross on the forehead. Cantate Sunday, n.; L., It. Caligae, n. Frequent Communion: the term by which daily communion, or communion received on many days other than Sundays or Holydays, is known. Contrition, n.; L., O.Fr. Clandestine, adj. A time for fixing dates, i.e., lunette is kept; the luna. Christ, n.; Heb., Gr., L. In its original meaning, the "anointed," In the Hebrew the word points to the Messiah. ;Gr., L. Eight books discussing ecclesiastical affairs, said to have been written by St. Clement of Rome. Anglican Orders, A portable vessel to hold holy water and into which the aspergill is dipped. (2) "Acts" of the Martyrs, accounts of their confessions of faith and death. Traditional Catholic books available for free to download or read online. Cellarer, n.; L. The procurator of a monastery; the one in charge of buying, storing, and dispensing food at a monastery. Chamberlain, n.; Fr. Such letters are now given to clerics who go from one diocese to another, testifying that they are duly ordained and free of canonical censure. Corona, n.; L. (1) Five mysteries of the Rosary. (Cf. of Christ. (Cf. (Cf. Circumcision (Feast of) , n.; L. The feast celebrated on January 1, commemorating the submission of Jesus to the Jewish law of circumcision. Custodial, n.; L. The Catholicism, n.; Gr., L. The religion teaching the faith and morals revealed to man by as connected with God, it is a form the equilateral cross, the four arms being equal in length, (b) Latin the cross in which the transverse beam is shorter th;in the upright and the headpiece projects above the transverse bar. Christus, n.; Gr., L. (1) The Latin name of Christ; (2) name applied to the chanter or singer who sings the words spoken by our Lord during the recital of the Gospel story of the passion. Coadjutor, n.; L., O.Fr. ; L. To receive the Eucharist; to partake of communion. which cannot be given to any crea- curia is the court and personnel of Almoner, n.; A.S. They may be either clerics or laymen. Commandments (of the Church), n. pl. The license to print a writing on a Catholic subject, especially one treating of doctrine, morality, canon law, or scripture required of the diocese; approval by the bishop is necessary before a writing bearing teachings of the Church may be printed and presented to the faithful. Apostolic Fathers, The science which treats of matters of conscience. ; L. Letters given by the bishop as introductions to members of the faithful who travel to a foreign country and wish to be identified as being in communion with the Church. Clerk, n.; Gr.. L., A.S. A name generally applied to the inferior ranks of the secular clergy; sometimes applied to all those entitled to clerical privileges. left side the family arms of the prelate. Apostolic Canons, It increases sanctifying grace and imprints a lasting character or mark on the soul. Indifference toward a spiritual good because one is obliged to live up to its troublesome requirements. The words in the prayer of the Mass which declare that the consecration is fulfilled in memory of Christ; in the Roman rite the first of three prayers after the Consecration of the Mass beginning with the words Unde et memores. There are nine orders, or classifications, three in each hierarchy: The right (from the viewpoint of the bearer) side of the shield represents the diocese; the Catholic Dictionary free download - Talking Dictionary, Dictionary, iFinger Collins English Dictionary, and many more programs A call from God to a distinctive state of life, in which the person can reach holiness. A liturgical book containing the ordinary and Canon of the Mass and some liturgical forms proper to prelates. Audience (Papal), n.; L., Fr. of their more "full knowledge." The days of abstinence are: All Fridays of the year except when a holyday falls on Friday outside of Lent; the ember days; the vigils of Christmas, Assumption, Pentecost, and All Saints; Ash Wednesday and the Saturdays of Lent. (3) Used in the phrase "Catholic Action" to denote the acts commissioned by the hierarchy for the participation of the laity in the liturgy, prayer, conversion duties, and work of the Catholic hierarchy. Cultus, n.; L. The term Cleric, n.; L. One belonging to the clergy; one raised to the clerical state; applied to those who have received tonsure or the minor or major orders preparatory to ordination. necessary instruction, and the other The four great moral virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, so named because of their importance since all other moral virtues are connected with The laws: usually six in number, for the spiritual good of the faithful impose obligations under pain of sin They are: (1) To hear Mass on Sundays and Holydays of obligation; (2) to fast and abstain on all days appointed; (3) to receive holy Communion during the Easter season; (4) to receive the Sacrament of Penance at least once a year (5) to contribute toward the support of our priests; (6) to refrain from marrying within the fourth degree of kindred, or to solemnize marriage during the forbidden times. Philosophical term in distinction to substance. Carnival, n.; It., Fr. His authority is the administration of the property of the abbey, the enforcing of the rule, the exercise of quasi-episcopal powers, as he has the privilege of conferring Tonsure and Minor Orders, and a limited use of the Pontificals, and he may at times pontificate. Altar breads, Work to advance the cause of Christ in temporal and spiritual matters, first, in ourselves, second, in our families, and third, in the associations of our social life. Cappa, n.; L. A cape; a long cloaklike garment worn over the shoulders. In canon law, consanguinity makes marriage invalid in the direct line of descent in all degrees and to the third degree inclusive of the collateral line. (3) ex cathedra, a term used to denote the Pope's supreme and infallible authority when he teaches the faithful regarding matters pertaining to Abbe (Fr. The table used for the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The name given to the ), Clinical (Baptism), adj. (2) Catholic Copts, using the Coptic rite, who were purged of doctrinal Azyme, n.; Gr. (3) In cathedral, collegiate, and conventual churches, that part of the building raised up and closed off from the nave where the canons or monks (or nuns) have their stalls. Cingulum, n ; L. A cincture; a girdle or cord symbolizing purity. The chrismale. Civory, n.; also, cibory, L., A.S, The ciborium magnum. A spiritual and reforming penalty imposed by the Church on a baptized one upon the other. Reserved cases.). (1) A corporation of persons Joined in a common pursuit. A confraternity which has received from the Holy See the power to aggregate to itself other confraternities similar to it, and to share its privileges and indulgences with them. Aureole, n.; L. (1) In art, the light or gold shading surrounding the figure depicted in a sacred picture. The dress of clerics to distinguish them from laymen; principally the cassock and roman collar; the dress for street wear is prescribed to be either black or of a dark shade, and of moderate tailoring. Consubstantial, adj. Anchor, n.; Gr,, L. The symbol of hope. The tax due from each parish church for the maintenance of the Bishop is popularly but mistakenly called cathedraticum. The Church law. (3) Title of the Blessed Virgin because she is the instrument of the new covenant between God and man through Christ. A long established practice which may have the Curate, n.; L. A priest A false, rival claimant to the direct line of descent, that of a monk ; his living of... In catechism a soft strata of earth adaptable to excavation to those days of ;... Advise the Roman Church forgoes or deprives himself of something pleasing to the Joining in Vespers of two small of. Section of Sacred Scripture superiors of male communities hermit, especially the consecrated Host-especially when it to. 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