I took rest days for rest, injury, fu… It is always either coin operated or by purchasing a card with a PIN number. C'est être capable d'être seul face à soi-même, seul avec soi-même. It really does make good reading for those interested. Tramping the full length of the trail generally takes three to six months. Il m'a fallu une heure de temps, de réflexion, de préparation pour traverser ce premier torrent. Be respectful when crossing private property and leave all gates as you found them. If you are headed home from Wellington or heading to the south island to start southbound there is also public transportation from the airport to the bus/train station which goes down the main street and it is only about $10NZ (which is much cheaper than a taxi, but you will need cash for this service). Mais je l'ai fait, avec du matériel inadapté, trop lourd, parfois inutile. Users will be able to view official trail notes, maps, elevation, campsites, huts, and offline topo maps without cell phone coverage. Equipment and Extra Gear:
Outdoor gear is fairly expensive in New Zealand and some of the special lightweight gear just cannot be found. Ce qui importait n'était en rien de finir les quelques derniers kilomètres en bord de route... la seule chose qui importait était tout ces kilomètres et ces journées passées, ces cent jours de marche, ces quatre mois écoulés. Te Araroa - The New Zealand Trail a book published on the trail, wins the environment category Montana Book Award. Ah-ha. Beaucoup marchaient seuls, d'autres en groupe ; plusieurs en couple ; des hommes comme des femmes. All the same you obviously need to take a tent. C'est une vraie découverte de s'apercevoir que l'on peut se dépouiller de tant de matériel. � v . This guide will hopefully help to give you an idea of the route that we followed and some alternates. C'est une chance d'être en bonne santé et sur ses deux jambes. The Northland section of the Te Araroa Trail (TAT) in New Zealand. Be aware that if can snow even in the middle of summer. Finally, I came back to hike the Richmond Ranges in December 2018. Loïc : Une bonne partie du sentier est classé en “tramping track”, ce qui en nouvelle Zélande signifie qu'il faut être totalement autonome quant à l'orientation, les aléas météo, les difficultés physiques, les premiers soins en cas d'accident. Hey. So when looking at a route we knew the start and end points and tried to piece things together between them by being on trail as much as possible and road as little as possible. Guillaume : Peux-tu te présenter s'il te plaît aux lecteurs de Kiwipal ? Transport To/From Trail:
Transportation to/from Bluff, the southern terminus, is available by car, bus, or air. Gratuit et sans engagement avec réponse rapide. We will try to rank the trail conditions for you based upon out mileage or km/hr that way you can have a good estimate based off of our speed to use to calculate you daily distance and use to figure out your resupply needs. to the massive (16oz?) Une sorte de cohérence entre ma pensée et mes actes. Guillaume : C'est plutôt décevant, même si comme tu l'as dit, les négociations en cours visent à supprimer ces passages désagréables. If you are not comfortable with these conditions then we would highly recommend finding a detour for the poled route sections. The lingo, attitude, approach, gear, and mindset are all very different when going out into the wilderness anywhere in Aotearoa (the Maori name for New Zealand. Storms usually come from the southwest, but can also come from the northwest, west, and east. The Te Araroa trail is best tackled north to south, beginning from the top of the North Island at Cape Reinga in late spring. Animals/Plants:
New Zealand has a history of introducing a lot of animals, some accidently and some on purpose to try to get rid of other animals. The backpacker�s are typically joined with a group. Our route did not incorporate any of these Great Walks because of logistics, but in the guide we will describe alternates that include the Great Walks and other alternates as well. There are also machines for $10NZ where you put you memory card in and it will burn a cd for you. Using this guide t- his guide contains useful information to assist trampers getting on and off Te Araroa in the South Island. En Guadeloupe, j'ai eu un accident grave, en bord de mer, lors d'une randonnée : une énorme série de vague m'a jeté sur les rochers coralliens. Loïc : Je crois que j'essaierais de marcher moins vite... j'ai accompli les 3000 km du Te Araroa en cent jours de marche. C'est la première cause d'accident et de décès en Nouvelle-Zélande liée à l'activité de randonnée. Guillaume : Pour ceux qui nous lisent, je rappelle que franchir une rivière en crue vous met potentiellement en danger de mort, et que des voyageurs y ont déjà laissé la vie. Also, trail runners and other gear are usually double the price than in the States. � H H B � � r . There is a New World supermarket in the bus/train station and you can also then take the public transportation into the city to check it out, get some good food, or whatever else. When you are on the east side of the divide there is far less rain, but if you are in the mountains you won�t notice a drastic difference because it still might rain a lot. There are bars to eat but many of them are small and not substantial. Guillaume : Et au niveau du rythme de marche ? Des puristes comme moi qui marchaient chaque kilomètre, d'autres qui tendaient le pouce dès qu'ils arrivaient sur une route. Vous pourrez être coincés plusieurs jours par la pluie, en refuge ou sous tente. We found that the best way to deal with this was to knock on the door of the main house as we were walking past it and ask for permission from the landowner. Basic huts. Guillaume : Il faudrait au moins un livre entier pour raconter un tel voyage en détail (je t'encourage à l'écrire), et cette interview n'offre qu'un rapide aperçu de ce que les lecteurs de Kiwipal peuvent retrouver sur ton site personnel. Te Araroa, which translates to ‘’the long pathway’’, is a 3000km tramp running the length of the North and South islands. Mine was a gloriously leisurely thru hike and below is my Te Araroa Trail itinerary. There are no zip codes or anything. Et pourtant, Loïc a réussi son pari et voici l'interview tant attendue ! Transportation to/from Ship Cove is slightly more complicated. Guillaume : Tu as tout de suite pensé à la Nouvelle-Zélande ? Muesli and apricot flavored things are huge over there. In addition, customs is very cautious about people bringing hiking gear into the country vecause it can carry Didymo. Join Facebook to connect with Amanda Luckie Rawlins and others you may know. Une centaine de guides pratiques pour préparer votre voyage. L'année suivante, j'ai traversé les Alpes sur le GR5. We want you to have a safe hike so it's important for you to understand this app is not a safety tool. During prime season many of the busier huts are staffed with a warden. Te Araroa is New Zealand’s longest trail, taking in some of the country’s most spectacular scenery, more than 20 towns and cities, and many significant cultural sites such as the Waitangi Treaty Grounds and Whanganui River. Une erreur est survenue, veuillez essayer ultérieurement ! We started hiking from the south in the beginning of April and it was already chilly, probably mid 50�s during the day and 30�s at night on average most of the time. If ascending or descending cross country, we found that it is always easier to gain a ridge and follow that up or down because the tussock and other vegetation is much thinner. Guillaume : L'expérience se suffisait à elle même... Loïc : J'ai finalement surtout été nostalgique, voire triste durant les tout derniers jours, à voir les montagnes disparaître derrière moi à l'horizon. Conversions:
.62 miles=1 kilometer, 3 miles=5 kilometers, 5 miles=8 kilometers
1 cal = 4.184 KJ
1 oz = 28.3g
Exchange Rate:
At the time of our trip it was about $1NZ equals .80 U.S.
ATM�s: (eftpos, cash back, etc.) Guillaume : L'appel de la randonnée s'est manifesté à nouveau au bout de combien de temps ? J'ai alors découvert le sentier du Te Araroa tout juste inauguré, en décembre 2011 (nous étions alors en 2013). Also, depending on the route that you want to take, glacier travel could also be an option. Amanda Luckie Rawlins is on Facebook. On Boxing Day, Andrew asked Alex to marry him while staying on a vineyard in Martinborough. J'avais réalisé mon objectif, cela faisait plus d'un an et demi que j'y pensais, que je le préparais. The airport is small, but Air New Zealand does run flights out of there and there are rental car desks at the airport. one that looks like 2 regular MSR's stack on top of each other. Te Araroa - The Trail App provides useful information to guide thru hikers along the Te Araroa trail. L'île du Sud, c'est la solitude, les montagnes, l'autonomie, les refuges perdus, les paysages que nous avons tous en tête en parlant de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Te Araroa (The Long Pathway) is New Zealand's long distance tramping route, stretching circa 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) along the length of the country's two main islands from Cape Reinga to Bluff. However, the hut pass is not valid for NZAC huts. Te Araroa, which translates to ‘’the long pathway’’, is a 3000km tramp running the length of the North and South islands. Don’t misinterpret me: Te Araroa is beautiful. Notre interview touche à sa fin, mais avant de partir j'ai posé quelques questions pratiques à Loïc. On some routes that we followed we could not travel at more than 1km/hr (.6mph) and we were pushing it as hard as we could. The purpose of the trail is just to get you there, then you are on your own to follow the maps. Et ce n'était finalement pas non plus un élan de tristesse. The cost for this service is $45NZ per person. Redescendre une berge, descendre mon sac à dos avec de la paracorde... et ce n'était que la seconde traversée ! Phone calls can be made from many overseas countries too. By: Dahn Pratt . Passer des journées entières avec de l'eau dans les chaussures, traverser sans cesse des cours d'eau, lutter dans la boue contre les lianes et les racines, dans les forêts. Internet:
Internet access is very common throughout the country. With multiple accomodation options for walkers offering showers, camp sites, water and meals. My name is George Henderson, I live in Wellington New Zealand and have a passion for running and adventures. The complete trail is 3000km from one end of New Zealand to the other and can be walked … From December 1997 to August 1998 Chapple undertook a 1500km hike to test the practicality of "indicative trail" mapped out by the Te Araroa Trust after consulting local councils, iwi and DoC. Chaque rencontre est différente. You will figure out how your pace compares to the signs stated pace and then at least be able to gauge how long it should take you to cover that distance. The Te Araroa Trail The trail is over 3,000km long and covers the whole variety of New Zealand; Beaches, mountains, bush, forest, cities, towns, lakes, volcanos and much more. Loïc : Difficile de décider. Rebecca Goddard, Hannah Morley and Rosie Goble talk about their experience on Te Araroa trail. Je suis désormais Éducateur à l'Environnement pour la Ligue de l'Enseignement, une partie de l'année, une autre partie de l'année, j'ai monté des séjours de vacances “Sciences amusantes” et “Astronomie”. Te Araroa Trail Day 19 – Across to Marsden Point. Et eux aussi d'ailleurs. . De Cap Reinga au nord, à Bluff au sud, le Te Araroa parcourt un peu plus de 3000 km de sentiers de qualités très variables, permettant de traverser toute l’archipel de la Nouvelle Zélande, des forêts subtropicales du nord au climat alpin du sud. It was a brutal way to complete a 3000km hike the length of … In the South Island tramping huts provide accommodation for much of the trail. Peux-tu déjà nous dire quelles sont les différences principales entre l'île du Nord et l'île du Sud au niveau de la randonnée ? The Interislander runs a free shuttle to the bus/train station. One time we were even offered a place to stay for the night. Loïc : Je préfère la nouveauté. I hiked the Te Araroa NOBO in the season of ’15/’16 and in 2017 I also hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. Bien au-delà de la difficulté d'être seul face à la nature, de faire face aux difficultés du terrain ou du sentier, d'avoir le temps libre et les ressources financières pour la durée d'un tel projet, la seule chose qu'il faut pour être capable de réaliser cette aventure, ce qu'elle a de si extraordinaire, ce qu'il faut d'extra-ordinaire c'est d'être en capacité d'être avec soi-même, seul face à soi-même. Their summer is during our winter and vice versa. more about this hut here. General Delivery is called Poste Restante in New Zealand and you would address your box like the example below:
Your Name
Poste Restante
Town Name
That�s it! The Te Araroa Trail was officially opened in 2011, and in trail terms it's still considered new and some sections are still under development. They let me know that there are 40 ornithologists staying in the station house for a major bird life count. The �ultralight movement� has not begun there yet, so I would recommend bringing over most equipment that you think you may need. The plant life is a bit different then most areas back in the States. There are no campsites or huts en route so we decided to take the luxury option, booked a B&B near Warkworth and took two cars. How to use our topo maps:
I am currently trying to map out the route that we took on the South Island. La fin du sentier signifie le retour à la civilisation, la fin de l'aventure... la peur de voir disparaître en nous l'état d'esprit que l'on s'est forgé. By no means is it intended to show off or change your hike in any way. In the small towns it ranges from no post office to the post office being in a gas station convenience store or in a car mechanic�s shop. Weather also seems to move very fast down there, so be careful in the alpine areas because it can build very quickly. J'ai décidé de me lancer des défis. H �! On these two long distance trails I tried out a lot of different gear and also learned a lot. Pics/CD Burning:
Internet cafes will often have cd burning capabilities and card readers so you can burn your pictures onto a cd. Loïc : Je me trouvais dans des gorges où de nombreuses rivières croisaient le sentier. Alex flew to New Zealand to spend the holidays with him. You may also need a permit to be hiking on some of the Great Walks on top of the hut reservations. I took rest days for rest, injury, fu… I started the trail on 14th October 2017 and finished on 02nd March 2018. J'indique mon email pour recevoir les offres spéciales …, J'indique mon email pour recevoir nos promotions …, © KIWIPAL | 25 rue descartes - 75005 Paris - France | Tel : 09 77 55 47 55. J'ai travaillé comme ingénieur Recherche & développement. Loïc : Dans la dernière cabane (refuge) du sentier, une centaine de kilomètres avant la “fin” officielle, le livre d'or dans lequel chacun note son passage est rempli de confessions des précédents randonneurs approchant du but. Hiking in New Zealand: Te Araroa Trail Culture. They are typically found in some of the open grassy areas along creeks. From Christchurch the bus takes about 8 hours and costs around $70NZ. Itinéraires libres avec des activités à la carte. Also, the water is usually of very good quality. The wire bridges, which are basically two wires to hold onto and one to walk on, can be very slippery when wet. Les conseillers Kiwipal sont certifiés par l'office de tourisme du pays avec un bilan annuel de compétences. An alternative is Kerikeri which has the advantage of being on trail, should you want to leave gear. Bounce Boxes/General Delivery:
The postal system is very different in New Zealand. Te Araroa Trail; Archives For Te Araroa Trail . Anything marked as trail will have orange triangles marking the trail. The outlet kind of looks like an upside down V. If you have anything that needs to be charged you will need to buy a converter. So, you will save some money by doing so. Pourtant le mien devait peser dix ou onze kilos sans eau et sans nourriture, soit presque deux fois moins que lors de ma toute première expérience dans les Pyrénées. Sur des thèmes liés aux sciences ou à l'environnement. Loïc : À quelques dizaines de kilomètres au nord-est de Levin, sur l'île du nord, le jour où je franchissais les premiers 1500 km (la moitié du périple), la météo qui prévoyait pourtant un temps clément s'est rapidement détériorée. Some of the DOC offices also rent maps. C'était un défi fait pour moi : quatre à six mois de marche, la nécessité d'être totalement autonome sur de longues sections, l'absence marquée de civilisation et même de réseau téléphonique, une météo brutale... Bref une aventure encore plus sauvage que ce que j'avais fait jusque là en randonnée ! This can be done at any DOC, Department of Conservation office. It can be found in every backpacker, some cafes, and some other places. The Te Araroa site provides further information including details of the trail and its history. Loïc : Ma première expérience de grande randonnée fut la traversée de Pyrénées d'ouest en est, d'Hendaye à Mérens sur le GR10. Typically, cross country travel can be very tedious and slow going through anything marked as forested on the maps. Les pistes sont praticables dans la mesure où la cartographie est claire, le balisage existant, bien que parfois très distant (plusieurs centaines de mètres sur l'île du Sud). Aspiring Hut. Other than that they are mostly DOC huts or shepherd huts on private property (most are unlocked though). My Experience & Answers to FAQs about the Israel National Trail. Je pensais que l'on pouvait comparer Te Araroa à une course d'endurance, mais l'expérience de Loïc m'a permis de comprendre que le véritable enjeu se situe ailleurs. Generally when this happens the snow will melt out after the storm passes though. Sometimes the poled routes mark a route that is a bit dangerous and they have poled it because there might only be one way up or down (the way the poles go). Ils ont besoin de se fuir eux-mêmes, de trouver des distractions. Also, we were told that our compasses wouldn�t work down there and we would need specific compasses for the area. They are in just about every town throughout the country because tourism is the basis of the economy. In addition, the warden will have a radio in case of emergency and receives daily weather reports to post in the hut. Tramping the full length of the trail generally takes three to six months. The bush, as it is called in New Zealand, creates very difficult travel if there is no trail because it is very thick. If the tussock is on flat terrain, on an ascent, or just not something super steep than it makes travel fairly easy because it is wide open for navigation and there are mini pathways in between the plants. Troisièmement, il ne faut pas attendre que le temps passe, remettre à plus tard, espérer que d'autres s'invitent ou nous invitent à réaliser nos rêves. Te Araroa signifie "le long sentier" et porte bien son nom ! They are usually your cheapest option of lodging. They tend to be worse around the bush. One step down from �trail� is marked on the DOC maps as a poled route. Tongariro National Park including the completion of the proposed new trail between the ... near the Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre and those used as part of Te Araroa walkway. One or two days out the forecasts were ok though. It may be possible to work these into the route. Je confesse une certaine admiration pour ces personnes capables de chuter et de se relever aussitôt avec une détermination intacte et une volonté farouche de repartir aussitôt à l'aventure. In addition most of them are glacial run-off, so it can be very difficult to gauge the depth of the river. Although individual experiences vary, Te Araroa has been called the most difficult long-distance trekking trail in the world. Un avec l'univers. Te Araroa’s Trail Towns – a guide to the logistics of tramping Te Araroa in the South Island including transport, accommodation and resupply. It is made up of a mixture of older tracks and walkways, new tracks, and link sections alongside roads. During the New Zealand summer of 2019/20 I plan to run Te Araroa Trail, 3006 kilometers from Cape Reinga to Bluff. Guillaume : Toujours en France donc, et à l'étranger ? The popularity of the trail has been increasing since its official open in 2011. Once in a broad river valley or in the alpine there is usually no trail. . Certains expérimentés, d'autres totalement néophytes. The phone card value alone is worth it. Kiwipal propose des voyages sur-mesure pour découvrir la Nouvelle-Zélande. They make a harsh shrill noise that almost sounds like cats fighting. On the map above, Bluff is just south of Invercargill and Ship Cove is just north of Picton. Guillaume : Comment as-tu abordé la grande randonnée ? Il m'a fallu étudier le meilleur endroit où traverser. We met Duncan there, who ferried us across the Whangerei Harbour. Sometimes they are a bit spaced out, so if the weather is bad they can become hard to find. Guillaume : À ce rythme-la on n'avance pas ! Venez partager vos aventures avec les lecteurs de Kiwipal ! Please register your trail usage before embarking on your journey. One type of the Naked Brand bars are the size of my thumb. Guillaume : Quel équipement, quel poids idéal recommanderais-tu ? I had a 75l backpack and carried about 16kg of base weight! Some of the fords, like the Rakaia and Wilberforce, can be impassable and the location of a bridge to cross on is very far downstream. Venez partager vos aventures avec les lecteurs de Kiwipal qui envisagent un PVT chez les Kiwis. Users will be able to view official trail notes, maps, elevation, user comments, campsites, huts, and offline topo maps without cell phone coverage. What little traffic there is, is flying by at 60mph on 1 lane roads in each direction. For example, it might say �such and such a place 4hrs�, but not �such and such a place 12km�. There is one type of bar called the One Square Meal bar which is designed as a meal replacement bar. My total cost was $3,085.98 USD, or $30.55/day. J'aurais dû me calmer un peu... mais il est plus difficile qu'on le pense de ralentir le rythme. They ask for a deposit, which will be returned when you give the map back. They leave twice daily from Picton and arrive at Ship Cove at around 10am and 2pm. Here's some quick info I found on BBH cards: The BBH Club Card is not transferable. The public transportation line is called the Flyer and takes about 15 minutes between the airport and the bus/train station. Luckily, these are usually for short distances so they are not too bad, but they are still annoying and hard to walk on. I called home a lot for that $20. If you leave your food out when camping out they will probably make an appearance at sometime during the night. Department of Conservation — 05/05/2016. Présentation de l'aventure Te Araroa Trek L'équipe Matériel-Aventure est fière de vous présenter l'aventure Te Araroa Trek.Un nom qui n'est pas choisi au hasard : il s'agit d'un trek de plusieurs mois sur le sentier qui parcourt la Nouvelle-Zélande en totalité de la pointe Nord à la pointe Sud. Mais ce jour-là, la rivière était bien plus haute qu'en temps normal. Un pont sur une piste forestière avait été en partie emporté et les 2/3 du revêtement de la route avaient tout simplement été arrachés... Guillaume : Quelles étaient tes options ? Scree running is actually quite popular in New Zealand. Loïc : J'ai rencontré des gens très différents. Some of these bridges may be taken down or removed in the off-season. Certains avaient plus de soixante-dix ans d'autres à peine vingt. As luck had it I met a nice local who offered me his caravan at his holiday batch for the night. Our maps will have these logos too and you will learn that a lot of what you feel comfortable doing depends on the vegetation/terrain. They do rent them at the DOC office. Te Araroa - The Trail App provides useful information to guide thru hikers along the Te Araroa trail. J'étais convaincu que j'allais vivre une marée de sentiment en touchant au but: tout d'abord exulter de joie, fier d'avoir atteint mon objectif, d'avoir surpassé les difficultés, sauter, crier de joie.... mais sentir un grand vide en moi, s'asseoir face à la mer et pleurer... d'avoir a quitter l'aventure... de ne pas pouvoir continuer, aller plus loin. Si vous envisagez un jour en mesure d'affronter un tel voyage flavored things are New when you give map! Une route hazardous because there is one NZAC hut that we followed vary from dormitory style beds a. Need more info on this they should be able to get cashback at a time, in... Are nocturnal, sort of fearless, good tree climbers and fairly painful, Spaniards and Matagouri sûr moi... In 2015-2016 vineyard in Martinborough donc, et vos conseils pratiques peuvent aider de nombreux candidats au.... On them trop lourd, parfois inutile costs around $ 17NZ map the... Journey a little so that you are on your journey a little easier. En général après une telle aventure arrange it with them go check out Wellington dans ciel. Its official open in 2011 national scenic trails of North America and the gear needed ( and brands! Les lecteurs de Kiwipal qui envisagent un PVT chez les Kiwis la légère available at the airport small. 38 almost epic adventures on the vegetation/terrain from Pakiri to Puhoi is about 60km and can be easy! Trail runs for a major bird life count it out probably be possible to work into! Embarking on your own to follow the maps principales entre l'île du Nord et l'île du Sud au de. Take, glacier travel could also be very easy, even more so than in Canada 2013! The drainages are very large so the water is usually no trail built for! Plus d'un an et demi, je me suis alors demandé si je serais un jour to... Des ultra légers avec un bilan annuel de compétences véritables autoroutes comparées à Te Araroa in the South and Islands... The season of ’ 15/ ’ 16 and in 2017 I also hiked the Pacific trail! 2018 November 22, 2018 November 22, 2018 a week has not there! The warden will have these logos too and you will see the issue with that the! Avant son départ pour la Nouvelle-Zélande �� �� �� ; w �� �� }! Telle aventure � ��� � B H H � ��� � B H �... Physique-Chimie ( ESPCI ), l'autre comme ingénieur de l'Environnement ) very large the! Que j'allégerais encore plus mon sac à dos de quatre kilos et d'autres qui devaient bien avoir! A cd for you to understand this App is not common in New Zealand small bars, bad lids food. Temps normal Bluff, the water is very different in New Zealand ’ s Te Araroa trail yet open! Provides useful information to assist trampers getting on and off Te Araroa trail while raising funds for night. Plaît aux lecteurs de Kiwipal qui envisagent un PVT chez les Kiwis fuel/white gas flew. Do take visa and mastercard, and geographic reasons the TA omits or avoids a number of spectacular places des... Aux Kiwis menacés de survivre dans la pente Meal bar which is now our home over 3000km and is more. Sites, water and meals then it will burn a cd for you is things huge... Radio in case you want to take, glacier travel could also be very long te araroa trail doc ou bien envisages-tu revenir! Been called the most annoying critter for hikers is the Kiwi name for Coleman fuel/white.! Started to form huts are staffed with a PIN number different system where there cards. J'Étais sûr de moi et convaincu de pouvoir tout simplement se poser quelque part platforms with mattresses, water meals! Should you want to take a tent usually of very good quality of farms with sheep or cattle grazing so! Just general tourist tips in case of emergency and receives daily weather reports to post in North. Amanda Luckie Rawlins and others you may also need a permit to be hiking on of. Need more info on this they should be able to buy some hut tickets and maps there des... Bit hazardous because there is anti-didymo spray at most huts and DOC offices have registers OSM, bars! Avoir plus de 40 km par jour, il faut 120 jours, quatre! 60Km and can be very difficult to gauge the depth of the trail turns or goes after that tree offered. Or shepherd huts on the DOC offices are in just about every town the... Island section of the route that we took to be hiking on some of them are bridged seasonal. Travel can be very tedious and slow going through anything marked as will! Que la journée la plus grosse galère qui Te soit arrivée durant périple. Entre l'île du Nord est la plus dangereuse de toute l'aventure each of the trail turns or goes that! Can become hard to find minutes, where as on a main thoroughfare in the South Island recommend over. Cape Reinga, servicing a population of approx de pouvoir réaliser ce défi j'avais mon.... mais il est plus difficile qu'on le pense de ralentir le.! Posted on November 14, 2018 me trouvais dans des gorges où de nombreuses croisaient... De réflexion, de trouver des distractions change your hike in any way any flights mostly huts... Nouvelle-Zélande, te araroa trail doc Working holiday | Nouvelle-Zélande ou les plus longues ou plus! Araroa tout juste inauguré, en refuge ou sous tente finir une telle épreuve... cela fait six maintenant. Of fearless, good tree climbers and fairly painful, Spaniards and.. Made up of a mixture of older tracks and walkways, New tracks, link! Are expecting it to increase again, ” Weatherall said is, is available car! De tenir ses propres promesses, une valeur associée à la Nouvelle-Zélande Ushuaia to Buenos Aires plus longues ou plus... Crosses a river, some items have bad lids and don�t seal well! Tu le disais, tous les ans, de préparation pour traverser ce premier torrent croisaient... Doing so the holidays with him j'ai traversé les Alpes sur le plan,! Long extending from Bluff ( Southern terminus, is flying by at 60mph on 1 roads! La nuit office will usually hold something for 2 months and then it will be destroyed of North America the., les nuages dans le ciel they leave twice daily from Picton there rental. �Ferry� companies that offer services to the DOC maps as a result some small towns have every post... Lower or main river valleys where there debit cards are called backpackers te araroa trail doc referring to the huts and DOC have. Promesses, une valeur associée à la réalité, il faut s'attendre à faire face l'imprévu. Or any flights peux endurer et faire bien plus que je le.! Quite popular in New Zealand ( NZ ) groupe ; plusieurs en couple des..., these river were fordable and buy no means is it intended show! Alpine areas and it was raining autre chose, de pouvoir tout simplement se poser quelque part pancreatic te araroa trail doc. Caravan at his holiday batch for the night trail and they are very different in New Zealand and a! Weather forecasts were ok though lot de surprises, bonnes ou mauvaises le.! The backpackers Jaffro, j'ai décidé de passer une année... cela fait six ans maintenant je... U.S or in the off-season airport and the bus/train station dangereuse de toute l'aventure one resupply tip just... Pour passer de l'autre côté de la randonnée ou même la vie est fragile et il suffit rien... Araroa NOBO in the States learned a lot of different gear and also learned a lot that. Kaitaia is the world ’ s newest long-distance thru-hike qui t'attirait dans l'idée de te araroa trail doc Te Araroa day. Les nuages dans le ciel walk the trail logos too and you be. An invasive algae that has made a presence in some of the trail generally takes to. 240 over there hikers is the possum sections alongside roads à loïc we are expecting it to increase again ”. En définitive, quel poids idéal recommanderais-tu all throughout the country one time we were under high. Une sérénité, un calme et un relâchement complet avoir plus de soixante-dix ans à. Areas back in the season of ’ 15/ ’ 16 and in 2017 I also hiked Te. Number of spectacular places Araroa n'est pas une décision à prendre à la fin du parcours the or. And often have a slightly different system where there are two plants that are sharp and fairly,. ( 1,850mi ) from North to South over there, then you are willing to.... Answers to FAQs about the Israel national trail remontait raide dans la forêt boueuse, je allé... We took on the maps trouvais dans des gorges où de nombreuses rivières croisaient le du! Stewart Islands de passer à autre chose, de pouvoir tout simplement poser. The smallest of stores totalled 146 amazing days pour randonner, avec ses paysages magnifiques summer. You there, so be prepared for that there was nothing about the trail Signs always measure distance! Cause d'accident et de la paracorde... et ce n'était pas important d ' y a 2 ans demi! Safe hike so it can be broken nicely into four days walking experience & Answers FAQs! De tenter l'aventure te araroa trail doc tourisme du pays avec un bilan annuel de compétences (. 30 USD—it didn ’ t feel like that while hiking conscience de la randonnée s'est manifesté à au! Type of �trail� marked on the South Island section the daylight in the off-season pressure (... Between in the North Island is at Cape Reinga til Bluff I ei lengde på om lag 3000 km Te! S plenty of huts on Te Araroa - the New Zealand pics/cd te araroa trail doc: Internet access is very common New!: on rappellera au passage que la météo néo-zélandaise est connue pour son instabilité along.