A half-elf is born to an elf and a human, or to two half-elves. Given Ekujae still look pretty much like Wild Elves and Aquatic Elves still look like Aquatic Elves, it would be a safe bet to go with that description (and any images you can find, just add Pathfinder-style giant alien elf eyes). Arcane research and accomplishment are seen as both practical goals, in line with being a soldier or architect, and artistic endeavors as great as poetry or sculpture. Thanks to their bond to nature, elves tend to subtly adapt the colours of their surroundings over years. In a few rare cases, these foundlings or orphaned elves find loving homes with humans, although the fact that, over the course of their childhood, one-time playmates become their effective guardians and foster parents results in a strangely skewed sense of the self. Pages Cover. Neither elven males nor females go bald, and indeed they show little in the way of discernible signs of aging. In the most insular of elven societies, they may even be treated as lower class. Half-elves have long drawn the covetous gazes of other races. FAQ. It is a mistake, however, to consider them weak or feeble, as the thin limbs of an elf can contain surprising power. Elves generally eschew melee because of their relative frailty, preferring instead to engage enemies at range. Ability Score Modifiers: Half-elf characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. They rarely look at those they speak to, often cut off conversations in mid-sentence, and act as if they are listening to voices that no one else can hear. Elves also have an appreciation for the written word, magic, and painstaking research. Type to search for a spell, item, class — anything! Able to fill a wide range of rolls: blasting, healing, striking, and even support. Males tend to be taller and broader, though rarely broader than a human male. The following classes and/or prestige classes are available to an elf character who meets the prerequisites. These elves, seeking refuge from the horrors of the planet's surface, receded into the depths of the earth, establishing settlements there. In some instances, a Dusk elf has been seen with golden, white or even silvery irises. There isn't as much sexual dimorphism in elves as in other humanoids. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box by Paizo Dungeon Master's Guide ... A half-elf's human-like eyes tend to range a spectrum of exotic colors running from amber or violet to emerald green and deep blue. It is a mistake, however, to consider them weak or feeble, as the thin limbs of an elf can contain surprising power. ; Size: Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. These last three are deities particular to the elven pantheon, and are not worshiped by other races. The irises of the elven race are far larger than those of other humanoids, often making it seem like they have little or no white in their eyes. 25 You live under the desert’s blazing heat, gaining incredible resilience to warm environments. This dark-skinned elf stands in a battle-ready pose, her hair silver and eyes white and pupilless. Odd that Humans are often the ditto of the Fantasy universes, while other similar humanoids are incompatible. level 2 Fauchard1520 Elf is a Race in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. The elves have a name for elven children unfortunate enough to be born and raised in human society—the Forlorn. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Constitution. It can handle both standard Characters and Pathfinder Society Characters. Skills. They have withdrawn from the world after making their mark, which was to ensure that the world was well on the path to goodness. Female Names: Amrunelara, Dardlara, Faunra, Jathal, Merisiel, Oparal, Soumral, Tessara, Yalandlara. Their ultimate goal is to be reborn as a natural creature of the wild. Exotic: Perhaps elves or more feral, sylvan or unusual ancestry races. Browse the user profile and get inspired. Those elves who spend their lives among the short-lived races, on the other hand, often develop a skewed perception of mortality and become morose, the result of watching wave after wave of companions age and die before their eyes. Elves are not foolish enough, however, to dismiss all aspects of other races and cultures. Their eyes are generally light brown, although bright green is not uncommon. Half-elves lack the almost alien eyes of their elf parents, though they do have a natural presence—and often a Striking beauty— that leads many to become artists or entertainers. Pathfinder Society. They usually wear masks, and speak only Azlanti to outsiders, as they are one of very few peoples in the Inner Sea region who still speak that languagenatively. Their hair is typically white or silver, though some variation is not unknown. | OGN Articles Elves are no less passionate about religion than other races, although they do take a more casual approach to the worship of their deities.Even though they share their devotion to Calistria, Desna, and Nethys with Golarion's other races, they have a small number of their own deities.. It is a mistake, however, to consider them weak or feeble, as the thin limbs of an elf can contain surprising power. Elves seek to live in balance with the wild and understand it better than most other mortals. They have a number of disturbing mannerisms. Character Sheets A high elf must spend 1 hour each morning in meditation, resisting the distractions of addiction, or take a –1 penalty to effective caster level for all arcane spells and a –2 penalty on all saving throws against spells for that day. Adventurers: Many elves embark on adventures out of a desire to explore the world, leaving their secluded realms to reclaim forgotten elven magic or search out lost kingdoms established millennia ago by their ancestors. User account menu. Prerequisites: Able to use drow spell-like abilities, drow.. | Swords and Wizardry SRD Relations: Elves are prone to dismissing other races, writing them off as rash and impulsive, yet on an individual level, they are excellent judges of character. Despite their heavy armor, aloof archers are remarkably stealthy.Unlike the elven scouts who move through the brush and harass invaders, these archers make up the ranged support of elven armies, firing over their comrades’ heads into the thick of enemy forces, creating a hail of deadly arrows. Within elven society, wizards are held in extremely high regard as masters of an art both powerful and aesthetically valued. The earliest Forlorn were the orphaned children of elves who refused to abandon Golarion from the predicted devastation wrought by Earthfall. Their generous life spans, magical affinity, and inherent grace each contribute to the admiration or bitter envy of their neighbors. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, featuring large and vibrant-colored pupils that make up the entire visible portion of the eye. Shop the Open Gaming Store! Physical Description: Generally taller than humans, elves possess a graceful, slender physique that is accentuated by their long, pointed ears. Options. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and –2 Constitution. Racial Traits: Ability Scores: Elves get a +2 to Dex and Int, making them great at ranged attacks and arcane spellcasting. The history of the elves is an ancient one, and their civilization on Golarion reached its peak long before their human cousins attained their own greatness. Elves have difficulty accepting crossbreeds of any sort, however, and usually disown such offspring. | 5th Edition SRD This would mean you are Elf, Human, and Orc. Elf name generator - Pathfinder . Ability Score Modifiers: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail. Though he was half-Noldorin, Maeglin is said to have dark eyes (possibly from his father Eöl, who was not of the Noldor), while Olwë (the brother of Lúthien's father Thingol, and a Telerin king) had blue eyes. Elf gates, or aiudara as the elves call them, are magical local transportation devices located in Kyonin, across Golarion, and on Castrovel. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, and filled with large, vibrantly colored pupils. The following racial archetypes are available to elves: The following feats are available to an elf character who meets the prerequisites. Their naturally keen minds and senses, combined with their inborn patience, make them particularly suited to wizardry. ... and unique abilities like a halfling’s keen eyes. Perhaps suspecting that the Earthfall was nigh, the elves departed Golarion through these gates to their mysterious legendary homeland of Sovyrian where they remained in isolation for thousands of years. When they can carve out a sustainable, reliable life in deserts and wastelands, they take pride as a society in the accomplishment. Cover Page. Drow, or dark elves, are the descendants of the elves who refused to abandon Golarion when it was discovered that the Starstone would hit the world. Elves value their privacy and traditions, and while they are often slow to make friends at both the personal and national levels, once an outsider is accepted as a comrade, the resulting alliances can last for generations. See more ideas about elf ranger, elf, character inspiration. You gain the changeling trait. The newly-formed drow, meaning "accursed," ruled the Darklands, gaining dominance over lesser races such as derro, duergar, troglodytes and worse, becoming one of the most powerful races in the world, even if they hid themselves from their above-ground rivals. Ability Score Modifiers: Half-elf characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. At once excitable and easygoing, they are the best kind of opportunists, and their passions favor joy over violence. They have long ears, which point backwards, angling upwards slightly to end usually parallel to the crown of the head. Drow elves' skin ranges from coal black to a dusky purple. They similarly regard half-orcs with distrust and suspicion, assuming they possess the worst aspects of orc and human personalities. They tend to be naturally lean and fit. Where city-dwelling elves encounter other urbanites, the elves are often fashion trendsetters. More than just human inheritors posed problems for the elves, as they soon learned of their drow brethren. These are far larger than those of other humanoids, often making it seem like they have little or no white in their eyes. Comments Recent Changes Offense Racial Traits Weapon Familiarity (1 RP): Night Elves are proficient with bows and treat any weapon with the word “ elven ” in its name as a martial weapon. [2], While elves can be found not only in their own communities such as the Mordant Spire and Kyonin, but throughout the world, there are distinct differences in those elves that have been raised among their kind and those who live primarily among other races. You also gain low-light vision, or you gain darkvision if … However, as their coloration often matches their surroundings, the elves of a single community may appear quite similar. While this can make them excellent guides to outsiders they befriend who must travel through such lands, their disdain of those who have not learned to live off the scant land as they have makes such friends rare. Basic: Humans and other mundane races. They have withdrawn from the world after making their mark, which was to ensure that the world was well on the path to goodness. Standard Racial Traits. videogame_asset My games. Elves’ bodies slowly change over time, taking on a physical representation of their mental and spiritual states, and those who dwell in a region for a long period of time find themselves physically adapting to match their surroundings, most noticeably taking on coloration that reflects the local environment. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Mordant Spire elves are pale-skinned, aloof, and stand-offish. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, and filled with large, vibrantly colored pupils. DESCRIPTION. Elves are one of the most common and prosperous humanoid races, yet their presence in modern Golarion is not what it once was. Their eyes tend to be human-like in shape, but feature an exotic range of colors from amber or violet to emerald green and deep blue. close. Dusk elves are the only known elf subrace to have dealings with both the surface elves and the drow. The Gray elves view themselves as the protectors of good in the world, but they will stir from their mountains and meadows to protect the "lesser" races only when they are faced with great evil. If called on this behavior, the elf often doesn’t understand why his âspecial friendâ is upset the elf has noticed the friend is âso much better than the rest of his kind.â Even elves who see such prejudice for what it is must constantly watch themselves to prevent such views from coloring their thinking. Their eyes are wide and almond-shaped, featuring large and vibrant-colored pupils that make up the entire visible portion of the eye. You can find Ancestry Rules here. In many cases an elf will come to value a specific member of another race, seeing that individual as deserving and respectable, while still dismissing the race as a whole. Benefit: You may use detect magic as a spell-like ability at will, and add feather fall and levitate to the spell-like abilities that you may use once each per day. While fey are truly linked to the flora and fauna of their homes, existing as the nearly immortal voices and guardians of the wilderness, elves are instead mortals who are in tune with the natural world around them. Elves take great joy in forging alliances with races that share or exceed their long lifetimes, and often work to befriend dragons, outsiders, and fey. Society: Many elves feel a bond with nature and strive to live in harmony with the natural world. So Elves in Pathfinder have alien eyes. Optimistic and cheerful, blessed with uncanny luck, and driven by powerful wanderlust, halflings make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado and curiosity. These provide the basic features from that ancestry, like darkvision, altered Speed, and unique abilities like a halfling’s keen eyes. Some of this understanding is mystical, but an equal part comes from the elves’ long lifespans, which in turn gives them long-ranging outlooks. Check out our other SRD sites! Wood Elves Physical Description . The Forlorn are a category of elf that differ from other elves by upbringing rather than ethnicity. Or play an Elf or Half-Elf with the Orc Bloodline, obtained by being either being a Sorcerer or taking the Eldritch Heritage feat-line. 102 Monster Entry Link Cruel and cunning, drow are a dark reflection of the elven race. They are almost as tall as human males, though lighter of frame and weight than most human females. Over time the underground elves developed ember-black skin and sable-white hair and became corrupted by the powerful evils lurking in the darkness. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Ancestral Anthologies Vol. The superstitious sylvan elves believe that twins who have blue or hazel eyes are an omen of good fortune for both the twins and sylvan elves as a whole. Your heterochromatic eyes are the most obvious signifier of this parentage, but you likely also have a slighter build, paler skin, and darker hair than most members of your other parent’s ancestry. Elves maintain an otherworldly beauty, and whether found in their magnificent wilderness communities or cosmopolitan civilizations, are often well-dressed and even glamorous.[1]. They inherit the lean build and comely features of their elven lineage, but their skin color is normally dictated by their human side. Skill actions. | Here Be Monsters Elves tend to be more frail than humans, though their natural lifespan is measured in centuries. Legal Information/Open Game License, Fan Labs Something changed these elves during their stay, and when the other elves returned, they found their brethren bitter, … An aloof archer is disdainful of the archery skill of non-elves. These pupils give them an alien look and allow them to see sharply even in very little light. Elf are one of the races available to the player in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Their faces tend to be austere and beautiful, with high cheekbones and delicate symmetrical features. Their colouration varies far less than humans', with most elves being quite pale and fair skinned, though almost none possess freckles, or blemishes. For those elves raised among humans, however, life within their homesâwatching friends and family swiftly age and dieâis often stifling, and the ephemeral and unfettered life of an adventurer holds a natural appeal. Wood Elf Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Constitution: Wood Elves have adapted to move around their surroundings with grace And elegance, they are also well versed in how to survive in forests. Some elves only use the term aiudara, as they consider the term "elf gate" to be vulgar. Their generous life spans, magical affinity, and inherent grace each contribute to the admiration or bitter envy of their neighbors. More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers rise… and fall. Jun 15, 2020 - Explore GMV's board "Elf/Drow/Half-Elf - Male PC/NPC Portraits", followed by 260 people on Pinterest. Elves tend to be elegant, in both appearance and movement, possessed of an almost supernatural grace. Despite their lessened numbers, elf-kind remains one of the most influential and important racial groups in the world. There may be better choices for front-line warriors and Charisma-based classes, however. After leaving the world in ancient times, they returned to a changed land, and they still struggle to reclaim their ancestral homes, most notably from terrible demons that have invaded parts of their lands. | Dungeon World SRD While generally taller than humans, elves possess a fragile grace, accentuated by long features and sharply pointed ears. Elf is a Race in Pathfinder: Kingmaker.To create your Champion in Pathfinder: Kingmaker you can choose between 9 types of races.Each of them has its special characteristics, choose one according to your preferences and style of play. Half-elves stand taller than humans but shorter than elves. In pursuit of this they believe that they must find or follow the Brightness, signs and portents which lead them to live a life leading them to their higher destiny. Traveller SRD Of all their traits, however, none so entrance their human associates as their beauty. Roll d% for whatever category your character's eyes fall under. Half-elves are one of the races in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Elves regard gnomes as strange (and sometimes dangerous) curiosities, but regard their magical talent as being worthy of praise and respect. Most elves are chaotic good, wishing all creatures to be safe and happy, but unwilling to sacrifice personal freedom or choice to accomplish such goals. Eye Color Table []. History [1], In 2632 AR, elves began their return from Sovyrian, somehow sensing that their old human enemies had grown out of their barbaric origins and that the two races could share the world. | Design Finder 2018 Human personalities, both in body and mind, but their form is frail and beautiful with. Features of their relative frailty, preferring instead to engage enemies at range, Latest Pathfinder products the... Is accepted by their human associates as their beauty Intelligence, and grace. 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