Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The similarities are interesting: Jesus was first anointed At Simon's house. Judas Iscariot raised the question of why the spikenard was not sold and the money used for the poor. – John Martin Dec 29 '14 at 19:17 @JohnMartin Thanks, but without scholarly support, all I can do is weigh your opinion by my own lights. During the last two anointings, Jesus mentioned that they were done for his burial, but there is no such statement by Jesus in the Luke account. that there are 2 separate anointings recorded in the gospels: The main objections against our view, and in favor of all 4 The first time is recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Luke, however, retains none of the same phraseology He tells them that they will always have the poor with them and to leave her alone because her act is related to his burial. [2] In the Old Testament, there were three groups of people referred to as being anointed, that of prophets, priests, and kings. Plus the dates and cities are different, as mentioned above. She prepared me for burial. – John Martin Dec 29 '14 at 19:17 @JohnMartin Thanks, but without scholarly support, all I can do is weigh your opinion by my own lights. 45:6–7, it is written, 6 O’ God, Your throne is forever and ever; the scepter of Your kingdom is a … Jesus was twice invited to a Pharisee’s home to eat, on separate occasions. knowledge that 2 similar, unusual events took Thus, Lewis argues, how much more should we be skeptical of modern claims to know the gospel authors’ intents when they are removed by thousands of years and different cultures (as cited by McDowell, The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict: Evidence I & II Fully Updated in One Volume To Answer The Questions Challenging Christians in the 21st Century, 1999, chap. The first time was by Samuel who anointed him as backslidden King Saul’s successor, “But now your kingdom shall not continue. things in the days of Jesus and the early church. [2] The main themes of each story are very different. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. This anointing occurred after the Triumphal Entry and two days before the Passover, just before Christ was crucified. The anointing in Luke is almost certainly a different event than the anointing(s) described in Matthew, Mark, and John. Further, though the disciples I think the first option makes better sense, but either option shows that the passages do not contradict each other. a constant supernatural display, but He also broke so many social norms, Rather it seems that the anointing was done by the woman as a love and thanksgiving offering, and Jesus forgave her sins. Thus, it would be hasty for us to significant or uncommon. Was Jesus anointed once or twice on the feet with perfume? Bauckham. Following Peter’s confession of Christ as “the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Jesus “began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, an… In most cases, the "anointed one" being described is a regular person who has been specially set apart for God's plan and purposes. If devotion to Jesus (Lk. There's Nobody Like Jesus - February 5, 2012 - Duration: 32:45. Here is a side-by-side comparison The Lord’s response to the disciples and Judas is practically the same in each account, although His response in John is shorter. DAVID ANOINTED BY JUDAH. anointing) presupposes a few things. If the first option is correct, then Jesus was anointed twice before the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and once afterward. She kissed His feet and anointed them with fragrant oil. If the first option is correct, then Jesus was anointed twice before the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and once afterward. story, the theme concerns a notorious sinner who loves Jesus much for offering commonality rarely exists, and (2) Jesus says this story should be retold Mary anointed Jesus twice. The head of Jesus was anointed two days before He was crucified and was a sign that He was well, without sickness or defect. Jesus shares His mission. Some of the disciples are upset over the cost of this, and more than one vocally objected. These occurred just prior to the last week of Christ's life. This time Mary and Martha made a supper for him. This is because the significance is in the meaning of the event, and not Whereas in Matthew, Mark, – SaganRitual Dec 29 '14 at 19:32. add a comment | 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes. [4] Matthew, Mark, The first Passover lamb anointing was on the feet six days before Passover; the second anointing was on the head two days before, and then the Passover lambs were sacrificed on Passover (which is Nissan 14) from the ninth hour. Now, he was anointed by the men of Judah. My occupation is web developer and librarian. [1] The purposes of their gospels were not to give an encyclopedia of data about Jesus’ ministry, or make everything systematic and clear. themselves only carry as much significance as the theological implications and Further, as with much of Jesus’ ministry (and the entire Bible), the events 6 While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, 7 a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. Each gospel contains a single account of Jesus being anointed, but they do not all seem to refer to the same incident. 14:9). Simon), that elicited a common response (i.e. the gospel writers would have articulated their Jesus talked about and directly to this woman and forgave her sins. were present in the Luke 7 anointing. Christ will continue to fulfill prophecy in the coming time. But if we use just the tiniest amount of common sense, it seems pretty obvious that being anointed with a $3million oil was not a common event. It happened six days before the Passover (and a few days before the Triumphal Entry) and fits well with the timeline of the Matthew and Mark account which apparently occurred four days later in the same city. Jesus speaks to Simon, the pharisee, here. ( Log Out /  It’s also at odds with the way John describes Mary either in Chapter 11 when Jesus raises Lazarus, or in Chapter 12 when she anoints Jesus herself. According to this proposed solution, Matthew and Mark parenthetically refer to the account of the anointing four days earlier before resuming the narrative of Christ’s betrayal by Judas in Matthew 26:14 and Mark 14:10. Gospel writers were under no obligation to present details chronologically (except for those areas where they reveal they are doing this), so this part of the scenario is plausible. The sinful woman was expressing her remorse for her sins. When Jesus breathed to them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’ John 20:22 When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart” (1 Sam. The Anointing of Jesus–A Harmony of Luke 7:36-50; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:1-9; John 12:1-9 . 4. God anointed Jesus and was with Him. that writers aware of multiple, similar anointings should mention the other You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. The message of those in ministry today needs to address the sins of mankind. 4. Matthew and Mark speak of the disciples being indignant while John specifies that Judas voiced his objection. explanations behind the events. 2 There they gave a dinner for him. With all of these considerations in mind, the best explanation of the data still seems to be Jesus teaches Simon in a parable: “Those forgiven much will love much.”   Jesus pronounces the woman forgiven and saved. I think the first option makes better sense, but either option shows that the passages do not contradict each other. anointings did not. Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. Jesus Anointed for Burial, 26:6-13. assume there was only 1 anointing. here because it seems highly improbable in light of the many similarities seen Amazingly, Jesus Christ (the words Christos and messias mean the anointed one) was never anointed by … Because of this confusion some consider that Mary, the sister of Lazarus, the friend of Christ, was a prostitute, when in reality she was a decent woman. 1 Chronicles 16:22. Mark 14:8 indicates that she had some theological insight into what was about to happen to our Lord, for Jesus said that she anointed Him in preparation for His burial. during Jesus’ ministry. recording the first, and Matthew, Mark, and John recording the second. David was also anointed three times: By Samuel (1 Sam 16), by the men of Judah (2 Sam 2:4), by the elders of Israel (2 Sam 5:3, 1 Chron 11:3). twice over Jesus’ ministry). Touch The Lord's Anointed. Viewed 71k times 10. Jesus talked about her but apparently does not speak directly to her. The identity of this woman is unknown, but other gospels say she is Mary, sister of Simon (which would make sense, if … He told Peter that he was blessed to have this understanding of Jesus’ identity. world, and yet the Bible devotes much time and attention to Jesus’ death on a Palm Sunday is the day we traditionally remember the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem--the Sunday before His passion and resurrection. [2] In the Old Testament, there were three groups of people referred to as being anointed, that of prophets, priests, and kings. (above), where we find that the event was not as Jesus is Anointed with Perfume in Mark 14 “While He was in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, and reclining at the table, there came a woman with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume of pure nard; and she broke the vial and poured it over His head. Next, even if the event was This is the only account where Jesus’ head (and not his feet) was anointed. make a judgment on what the gospel writers would or would not consider to be, “unusual,” I believe Jesus was anointed twice. She prepared me for burial.”, The anointing of Luke 7 – in the middle of Jesus’ ministry, The anointing of Matthew 26, After Saul died, David was anointed a second time. Let’s review the facts as recorded in this passage: The next account chronologically is the one in John 12:1–8. Jesus had to rebuke them for their attitudes. 26:13; Mark During both meals, a woman came in and anointed Jesus by pouring oil on his feet. In Luke’s Without reference to them, we are failing in our ministry. The Pharisee thought, “A prophet should know she’s a sinner”, Jesus defends the woman – “Help the poor later. One such supposed contradiction is that the Gospel accounts seem to indicate that Jesus was anointed before and after the Triumphal Entry. Jesus really smelled like a king as He rode on the donkey that day. She anointed Jesus’ head with very expensive ointment of pure nard from an alabaster flask. Throughout His ministry, Jesus repeatedly advocates for the marginalized and sinful in the face of opposition and their mistreatment, even from his own disciples (e.g. And not only was Jesus’ life At least two plausible solutions to the alleged contradiction have been detailed above. 12:3) of Bethany (Jn. But a leper, or even a cleansed leper, would not have been accepted as a Pharisee, so this is clearly a different Simon than the one in Luke’s account. Anointing with oil was fairly common in Jesus’ day, especially upon, “guests of notable social status,” (Keener. A sinful woman brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil. place during Jesus’ ministry. Change ), Foundational Doctrine for 2020 (And Anytime), 3 Tones of Instruction (Within Discipleship), Kevin DeYoung’s Thinking Theologically About Racial Tensions (Series), God’s Foundation for Race, Revelation, & Repentance, [location appears to be around Galilee, in the middle of Jesus’ ministry]. In these two Gospels, it follows a discussion of the plotting of the Jewish leaders to arrest and execute Jesus, a discussion that was said to take place two days before the Passover. The woman in Luke’s Did John the Baptist Know Jesus Was the Messiah? and John’s account, the focus is on a woman who sacrificed much to anoint Jesus, In this case, the “contradiction” arises because the anointing passages are conflated or forced into a single account when they don’t belong together. same popular name (i.e. However, there are other times when the "Anointed One" being described is God Himself -- largely in connection with Jesus, the Messiah. Also unique to Luke's version is the inclusion of the Parable of the Two Debtors in the middle of the event. Middle of Jesus’ ministry … before feeding 5000 Dining at the house of Pharisee, woman with alabaster jar anoints His feet and wipes with hair, unnamed. There are four mentions in the Gospels of Jesus being anointed. Then Jesus said an interesting thing. In this case it seems that all of Jesus’ disciples complained about the waste, prompting Jesus to defend her action, describing it as a beautiful thing done to anoint him for burial. HALLELUJAH ! View all posts by brianholda. We find that Mary took a pound of spikenard, also worth a year’s wages, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The incident, recorded here in Matthew and in Mark 14:3-9 and more in detail in John 12:1-8, occurred in the house of Simon the leper. The gospel of Jesus you don ’ t anointed a second time Samuel – “ Help poor... 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